20 Best General Knowledge Trivia Questions with Answers

 June 30, 2024  509 

Where does Arabica coffee originate?
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Which actor played Darth Vader in the original Star Wars trilogy?
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David "Dave" Prowse

What does the 'S' stand for in the abbreviation SIM, as in SIM card?
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Who was the Greek God of Love?
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In which United States city did house music originate?
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In Hungary, 'Paprika' is used for what word?
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What is the world's most expensive spice by weight?
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Which is the largest city in Switzerland?
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What is the meaning of Geography which is taken from the Greek?
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Earth Description

Which company is considered to be the largest chocolate maker in the United States of America?
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Where did the Vikings come from?
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Who is The original king of rock n roll ?
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Elvis Presley

In the video-game franchise Kingdom Hearts, the main protagonist, carries a weapon with what shape?
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What is the name of the high protein food derived from soya milk?
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What is the shape of the toy invented by Hungarian professor Erno Rubik?
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What was Bank of America originally established as?
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Bank of Italy

Where is the largest lake of fresh water in the world?
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Lake Superior (North America)

Where is the world largest railway station located?
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Grand central terminal, Park Avenue New York

A doctor with a PhD is a doctor of what?
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Where does Bossa Nova dance music originate?
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