Guess the NFL team by picture – Are you a true fan of your NFL team or both a fan of Star Wars?
If so, I think you can easily name the NFL team by a picture of Star Wars logo helmet.
Whether you consider yourself a fan of the Star Wars or not, one thing that most folks can agree on is that this movie would make a boatload of cash.
After all, when something has a crazy following such as this, it’s almost impossible not to imagine it being successful.
In fact, when I think of Star Wars and its immense popularity, the only things comparable, in my opinion, are pro sports leagues.
When you take this idea into consideration, it’s no wonder that people went out of their way to try and combine these two universes.
You didn’t just have mashups with MLB logos, you had the innovative pro football helmet redesigns.
Of course, it was only a matter of time before someone decided to fuse together Star Wars and NFL team logos.
Thanks to the creativity of graphic designer, I know exactly what a mashup between these two highly popular worlds would look like.
This is a series of football helmets designed by Mexican artist John Raya featuring a different Star Wars theme. John Raya is a designer who lovingly reimagined every NFL team’s logo and helmet on his way to re-branding them all for the Star Wars universe.
Can you name the NFL team by Star Wars helmets below?
To make sure the correct answer you can flip the image to see it. And don’t forget to share this Star Wars – NFL team quiz with your friends.
Quiz : Try to guess the NFL team by picture of Star Wars Helmets then flip it to see the correct answer.
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