Quiz: Am I Depressed or Just Sad, or Lazy?

 February 15, 2025  3948 

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Am I depressed quizAre you wondering if you could really be depressed, or just sad or lazy?

Depression is a state of mind when we don’t feel like doing our usual activity.

We want to avoid talking to anybody and if possible we lock ourself in a room. Sometimes we have the urge of crying. Our thoughts are all the pegged to a thought which may be loss of our near and dear one or our pet, failure to achieve something or failure in love or breakup.

It’s better to come out of depression as quick as possible otherwise in extreme cases suicidal thoughts may develop and the victim may do suicide.

We can get rid of it by medication and meditation or simply by a long walk.

There are symptoms of depression in which could give us a clue if we may be suffering from it or not, as well as take inventory of the things in our life that are going on which could be causing our depression.

Depression can be acute as sometimes what we think may be depression could be a normal reaction to a major life event or any other traumatic event but once resolved and dealt with the depression goes away or if depression continues after major life events, trauma or depression symptoms stemming from no known root cause then it can be considered chronic and we may very well be suffering from depression that needs to be treated as it could have something to do with serotonin levels, some other medical condition etc.

The first thing to do is to get a proper diagnoses which is done by a qualified medical professionals who can take our symptoms and other things we tell them and be able to decipher if it is true depression and then figure out the best course of treatment for us.

Take the following depression quiz to know immediately if you may be suffering from Depression or not.

Am I Depressed Quiz


Feeling tired or having little energy?

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Thoughts that you would be better off dead, or of hurting yourself in some way?

how depressed am i quiz - 10-better-off-dead

Little interest or pleasure in doing things?

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Poor appetite or overeating?

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Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed?

Or the opposite - being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual?

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Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching TV?

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Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much?

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Feeling bad about yourself - or that you're a failure or have let yourself or your family down?

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Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?

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Quiz: How Depressed Am I?

You may have No depression likely.

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You have answered this self-report questionnaire in such a way as to suggest that you do not likely currently suffer from a depressive disorder. You should not take this as a diagnosis or recommendation for treatment in any way, though. You experience the normal ups and downs of life.

It’s important to remember that you all experience some of depression symptoms from time to time, and it may not necessarily mean you're depressed. Equally, not everyone who is experiencing depression will have all of depression symptoms.

You may have possible mild Depression.

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You appear to be experiencing some depressive symptoms which are often common amongst the general population.

It's unclear as to whether you suffer these problems severely enough to need to seek further diagnosis and treatment of them.

You shouldn't take your responses to this quiz result as a diagnosis or recommendation for treatment of any sort.

Consult with a trained mental health professional if you are experiencing difficulties in your daily functioning that you are worried about.

You may have moderately severe depression.

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Based upon your answers to this depression quiz, you appear to be suffering from a moderately severe depression. You typically qualify for a diagnosis of major depression and have sought professional treatment for this disorder.

You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek further diagnosis from a trained mental health professional soon to rule out a possible depressive disorder.

You may have severe depression.

how depressed am i quiz - severe-depression resut img

Based upon your answers to this questionaire, you appear to be suffering from a severe depression. You typically qualify for a diagnosis of major depression and have sought professional treatment for this disorder.

You shouldn't take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, it would be advisable and likely beneficial for you to seek further diagnosis from a trained mental health professional immediately.

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