#20 Horror Movie Anagrams Quiz | Can You Solve Them?

 March 12, 2025  2029 

horror movie anagrams quiz with answers featured image

Horror movie anagrams – Are you a horror movie fan?

I know if you’re a real horror fan based on how many of horror films you’ve seen then you can rearrange these anagrams words easily.

While scares are, of course, subjective, the best horror movies are the ones that make you all afraid of something new and fresh.

The Blair Witch Project serves up a side of the woods you hadn’t seen before, Saw ruins underground parking garages (which you weren’t too keen on in the 1st place), and Hereditary just plain ruins the idea of a happy family.

Monster movies, comedy horror, shuffling zombies, haunted hotels, and be-tentacled trips to the supermarket, there’s a smorgasbord of delicious scares just waiting for us to hunt them down on our streaming service of choice.

And if you’re looking to feel a little more festive, try to solve this anagram quiz of Christmas horror movies.

A very simple example of an anagram is rearranging the letters of “Finding Nemo” to get “End of Mining“. More advanced examples include rearranging “Transformers” as “Farmer Snorts” and “Iron Man” as “Roam Inn“.

Let’s see if you can call yourself a real horror fan with this horror movie anagrams quiz.

To make sure the correct answer you can flip the card to see it. And don’t forget to share this horror movie anagrams with your friends.

Can you be a good Horror movie anagrams solver?

Horror Film anagram for 'hate hunting' is ...

hate hunting
Click to Flip
The Haunting horror movie image

Horror Film anagram for 'deaths by scorn' is ...

deaths by scorn
Click to Flip
horror films anagrams - Body Snatchers horror movie poster

Horror Film anagram for 'flog mean hated devil' is ...

flog mean hated devil
Click to Flip
horror films anagrams - Village Of The Damned horror film poster

Horror Film anagram for 'thy inherited the fart' is ...

thy inherited the fart
Click to Flip
horror films anagrams - Friday The Thirteenth wallpaper

Horror Film anagram for 'odd new fathead' is ...

odd new fathead
Click to Flip
Dawn Of The Dead horror movie poster jpg

Horror Film anagram for 'crew jilt phobic threat' is ...

crew jilt phobic threat
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The Blair Witch Project dvd movie poster

Horror Film anagram for 'pay teamster' is ...

pay teamster
Click to Flip
Pet Sematary movie poster

Horror Film anagram for 'the tedious drivel' is ...

the tedious drivel
Click to Flip
The Devil Rides Out movie poster

Horror Film anagram for 'cow herpes' is ...

cow herpes
Click to Flip
Creepshow horror movie poster

Horror Film anagram for 'shy cop' is ...

shy cop
Click to Flip
horror films anagrams - Psycho horror films poster

Horror Film anagram for 'pundit hunted help mate' is ...

pundit hunted help mate
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horror films anagrams - The Pit And The Pendulum horror film image

Horror Film anagram for 'damn thy acne' is ...

damn thy acne
Click to Flip
The Candyman movie poster

Horror Film anagram for 'an odd mafia army' is ...

an odd mafia army
Click to Flip
horror films anagrams - Diary-of-a-Madman-1963-poster movie jpg

Horror Film anagram for 'no! hated devil fighting' is ...

no! hated devil fighting
Click to Flip
Night Of The Living Dead movie poster

Horror Film anagram for 'the chronic fondler' is ...

the chronic fondler
Click to Flip
horror films anagrams -Children Of The Corn movie poster

Horror Film anagram for 'the tortured homes' is ...

the tortured homes
Click to Flip
The Shuttered Room movie poster

Horror Film anagram for 'o! a new hell' is ...

o! a new hell
Click to Flip
Halloween horror movie poster

Horror Film anagram for 'no! horrid chew hurt' is ...

no! horrid chew hurt
Click to Flip
horror films anagrams - The Dunwich Horror movie poster jpg

Horror Film anagram for 'heroic texts' is ...

heroic texts
Click to Flip
horror films anagrams - The Exorcist horror movie poster img

Horror Film anagram for 'nude lout carcass' is ...

nude lout carcass
Click to Flip
Countess-Dracula-horror-movie image

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