Do I have depression quiz – How can you tell if you have anxiety or depression? And what is the worst thing depression took from you?
Depression and anxiety are often closely-knit friends.
Depression is a thick, dark winter cloak, unwashed and left to collect dust and odd smells for years. You wake up in the morning with it wrapped around your shoulders, unable to remember how it got there.
You try to leave bed but its weight presses you back onto the mattress. Even lifting your arms becomes a struggle; you become apathetic. Why bother?
Nothing matters anyway.
The air in the room becomes thick and musty; your skin starts absorbing the powerful smell soaking the cloak around it. It loses color and vitality.
Nothing matters, why would it?
Anxiety, on the other hand, is like a big mug filled to the brim with bad espresso shots. You drink it without realizing; it’s bland, tasteless, nauseating.
It makes your heart pump way out of your chest, ripping your bones apart. It makes your blood run quicker and quicker, until you can barely feel it anymore. Theres no more warmth, no more nourishment, only the uncontrollable tremble of your veins.
Anxiety and depression together feel like sitting paralyzed on a couch. You cannot move, but there is no imminent danger. Still you feel stressed out of your mind, as if hanging above a pit of fire.
If you’re asking yourself the question if you are depressed or not, chance are that you are suffering from depression. However depression is just another word for a long period of low mood.
You can think about your mood as a glass of water that gets depleted through things that take energy and gets filled up by things that give you energy.
At the same time, how much water is in the glass shapes your perception of reality, hence the famous example of the glass of water being either half full or half empty.
The point of the glass of water is that you hardly notice that your mood shape perception and that in turn might makes you more depressed once you start experiencing low mood.
To overcome depression you need to figure out what things make you feel good. A good question is, can you remember a time in the past when you felt good? What things where you doing at that time?
Having a low mood or feeling on edge are common experiences for all of us. When these moods persist, it may be that you’re experiencing anxiety or depression – or both.
The following self tests ask some important questions that can help you take stock of where you are at so you can make a plan for feeling better sooner.
Take the following depression test to know immediately if you may be suffering from Depression or Anxiety.
Quiz: Do I Have Depression or Anxiety?
This quiz is not a screening tool for depression and anxiety but it’s used to monitor the severity of your depression and anxiety.
Do you have lost interest in your appearance?
Can you enjoy a good book or radio or TV program?
Do you feel restless as you have to be on the move?
Do you still enjoy the things you used to enjoy?
Do you get a sort of frightened feeling like 'butterflies' in the stomach?
Do you feel as if you are slowed down?
Can you sit at ease and feel relaxed?
Do you get a sort of frightened feeling as if something awful is about to happen?
Do you feel tense or 'wound up'?
Do you get sudden feelings of panic?
Do you feel cheerful?
Can you laugh and see the funny side of things?
Do you look forward with enjoyment to things?
Worrying thoughts go through your mind
Your Depression score is NORMAL
Your Depression score is BORDERLINE ABNORMAL
Your Depression score is ABNORMAL
Your Anxiety score is NORMAL
Your Anxiety score is BORDERLINE ABNORMAL
Your Anxiety score is ABNORMAL
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