Fun Trivia Questions – Does Trivia Crack Make You Smarter?

 June 30, 2024  459 

What is the Italian word for pie?
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What is The world's very first website?
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Which frequently used household item has a tree but no leaves?
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Do you know what the shortest complete English sentence is?
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What is the name of the fairy in Peter Pan?
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Where did India ink originate?
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Which planet shares its name with a dog?
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What’s the response to “see you later, alligator?”
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“In a while, crocodile.”

Who is Mickey Mouse’s girlfriend?
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Minnie Mouse

What is the name of Harry Potter’s pet owl?
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From which country do French fries originate?
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What was Marilyn Monroe's natural hair colour?
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Who invented the bikini?
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Louis Reard

Who is the patron saint of Ireland?
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St. Patrick

What is the main ingredient of Bombay Duck?
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In ancient Greece, throwing an apple to a woman was a declaration of what?
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What type of fish is Nemo?
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A clownfish

A scientist who studies rocks is called a what?
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A geologist

Which ocean surrounds the Maldives?
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Indian Ocean

How many legs does the Legs of Man have?
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