Does she like me quiz – If a girl cares about you does she like you or she likes you but doesn’t want a relationship?
So, what signs she doesn’t like you?
A girl is selector she will always play it safe, keep her options open.
She knows you will always fall for her, so she keeps her options open for better deals. Now she doesn’t literally think like that and plan that way, but it is how she is.
She likes to be mysterious and wants you to make the first move.
If a girl likes you, she will approve your any sort of approach, engage in conversation with you easily, agree to meet outside for a hangout, share her favorite music books and hobbies etc.
If a girl is sharing her stories it means she does value your company and trust you.
If you stay too friendly for a very long time, she will friend-zone you.
Remember girls are always judging, never let her know your emotion, always keep them guessing.
What you can do is play a different game. Be a guy who always doesn’t pay attention to her messages and stuffs, make her wait, don’t be predictable, that will make her more desperate and her ego will bring her closer to you.
Try to mildly attack on her weaknesses, so that she looses her ground and you can over power her with you confidence, and once she sees your confidence she will want you more.
Follow these stuffs if you honestly like her and enjoy her company.
You can’t build a healthy relationship with a girl who sees or treats you as less than because love cannot thrive without respect. You want to be with her who treats you right.
So, do you want know if she likes you or not? Let’s find out if you can date you crush on upcoming valentine’s day.
Does She Like Me Quiz: How To Know If A Girl Likes You?
Tell us your result in the comment below and do not forget to share it with your friends!
She feels awkward and disturbed if I hug her, if I touch her face or if I play with her hair.
She’s giving away ALL her secrets early on or is NOT overly worried or doesn’t even act a little (cutely) nervous around me.
I’ve been with her for months and it amounts to nothing.
She doesn’t seem to care what she looks like when she’s with me or when she’s going somewhere with me.
Every time I meet out, she is always accompanied by another friend.
She doesn’t want to stop listening to my voice and she’s trying to find out as much as she can about me.
She only calls me when she wants advice, help, or wants to talk about how she is feeling.
In a busy place like a bar, club or party, she puts herself close to me, she may move or stand somewhere closer to me.
She seems ok when sitting next to me she naturally touch my hand, shoulder or chest. Even if I’ve just made a joke, she may playfully (and lightly) slap me.
Her feet are facing toward me even though she's looking away.
She plays with her hair a lot while she’s talking to me, and if it goes together with a cute smile.
She’s always complaining about her past-present relationships and the guys she’s currently dating or has dated in the past.
She isn’t returning my text messages, I don’t believe her when she says she forgot to get back to me, or that she has been really busy lately.
She throws a tantrum whenever I talk to another girl or spend time with my friends, she makes a face and I can be sure that it’s because she’s jealous.
If I'm engaged in a conversation, she’s always looking around or at her phone.
She’s Really NOT That Into You!
She REALLY likes You as more than a friend!
She seems ONLY likes you as a friend!
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