When we are sleeping the body is still working, the heart still pumping, and even the dreams in brain.
We drink water at least an hour after meal. If immediately have water just after the meal, it dilutes the HCl produced in our stomach which hinders the digestion process.
The bus arrives, we get in. Ever wondered how bus worked? The motor, and the fuel combustion.
We type on the computer. To build a computer numerous scientific principles are applied. For building a transistor, electromagnetic theory was necessay. A lot of plastic is used to build the machine: an application for chemistry.
Our toilet flushes using the principle of the siphon which we start by pressing down on the handle releasing the water stored in the tank. This rushing water causes a siphoning action to clear the bowl.
A modern petrol fire is burning. It uses purified petrol (application of chemistry) that is 99% burned due to the use of a catalysator.
And many more. Mentioning all will take a lot of my time. So, without science you and I are nothing.
Science trivia questions and answers are an excellent source for improving our general knowledge.
For you who have an interest in improving mental skills in science knowledge must learn these types of questions daily basis.
Learning 2 to 3 trivia questions are enough to memorize. We have trivia questions and answers on different subjects like geography, history, sports, science, literature, movies, music, general knowledge and much more.
If you are interested in expanding your knowledge and discover something new about the world around you, then these interesting science trivia questions and answers can stretch your horizons and give you something new to think about.
Full List of 20 Random Science Trivia Questions
Scroll down each of the following science trivia questions. Just flip the question card to show up the correct answer.
In biology, what does the DNA stand for?
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Deoxyribonucleic Acid
How many degrees celcius is 212 degrees Fahrenheit?
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Which British physicist wrote the book “A Brief History of Time”?
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Stephan Hawking
When referring to a website address what does the acronym URL stand for?
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Uniform Resource Locator
What does the "MP" stand for in MP3?
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Moving Picture
What is the hottest planet in the Solar System?
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While Apple was formed in California, in which western state was Microsoft founded?
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New Mexico
What is the strongest magnet on earth?
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Neutron star
What is the tallest type of grass?
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Who first proposed the concept of contact lenses?
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Leonardo da Vinci
Which planet is the slowest spinning in the solar system?
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What is the unit of electrical resistance?
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Is it True or False? 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
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Most of a penny is made from what type of metal?
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Dry ice is the solid form of what molecule?
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Carbon dioxide
Which planet is the fastest spinning?
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71% of the Earth's surface is made up of what?
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The Grand Canyon was formed by the waters of which river?
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Colorado River
What planet in our solar system has 243 earth days?
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What planet in our solar system has the shortest day?
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Jupiter (10 hours)
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