Game of Thrones trivia questions and answers – Are you crazy about Game of Thrones? Why do people like Game of Thrones?
Game of thrones is a series based on the book series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R R Martin, and the first book is A Game of thrones.
Judging by the title itself we can infer that it’s a story about medieval court intrigue, literally a “game of thrones“.
The plot is mainly about conflict of these different characters to their succession claim for the Seven Kingdoms’ Iron Throne. Each of the character has its own storyline and the show does not focus only in one main character.
It is very hard to predict what will happen next. Sometimes the story is very different from what we expected.
Characters come and go while some die. We must also add that each season finale is wonderfully written and makes us want to see the next season desperately.
Other shows might have 1, 2 or 3 elements but The Game of thrones probably has everything, every genre we can dream of, every character we can imagine, and storylines we never thought could exist.
This universe is one of the most populated in entertainment history with somewhere around 2000 named characters which might in fact be a record. Which is why you definitely need to be on your toes when trying to remember some of the names of the people in this GOT trivia questions.
This Game of Thrones trivia quiz will test your ability to remember the many events and even larger group of people that live in this vast universe.
Game of Thrones trivia questions and answers list
Scroll down each of the following GOT trivia questions. Just flip the question card to see the correct answer.
Who created the first White Walker with a dragonglass dagger?
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The Children of the Forest
House Tyrell’s castle is called…
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What is that name of Robb Stark's wife?
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What language is commonly spoken in the Game of Thrones?
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The Seven Pointed Star is a symbol connected to what religion?
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The Faith of the Seven
Who founded House Stark?
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Brandon Stark
Where do most of the events in GOT take place?
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Jon’s direwolf is named what?
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Which famous actress plays Olenna Tyrell?
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Diana Rigg
What is the name of Arya Stark's sword?
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Which sword was wielded by Visenya Targaryen?
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Dark Sister
Who was the liege lord of the Freys before the War of the Five Kings?
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Hoster Tully
Patchface came from which of the Free Cities?
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Daenerys Targaryen has 3 children. These "children" are actually what?
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Once Robert died, who became the king and protector of Westeros?
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Joffrey Baratheon
Who was the Lightning Lord?
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Beric Dondarrion
What is the nickname given to Brynden Tully?
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What name is given to the treasurer of King’s Landing?
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Master of Coin
Who is the commander of the warrior-eunuchs of Astapor, known as the Unsullied?
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Grey Worm
Who is king of Westeros when the the series begins?
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Robert Baratheon
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