He remembers what I like and don’t like.
I'm always the one texting, calling, or messaging him first, and he never initiates a conversation.
I’ve been friends with him forever and he’s never made a move.
He doesn’t care about my relationships with other guys even in the slightest.
He doesn’t really listen when I talk and doesn’t remember what I tell him.
He never gets jealous when I'm flirting with other guys, or hearing I talk about other guys.
He never flirts with me in any way. That’s also the case if he rejects my attempts to flirt or I make him visibly uncomfortable.
He doesn’t reply to my texts and when he does reply he only responds with short sentences or few words.
He’s the one always texting/calling and reaching out to me.
If I change something about my appearance, whether it’s small or not so small, he immediately notices.
After a first date he doesn’t call or make any plans to follow up and see me again.
He can never make plans when I try to catch up with him, or he always finds excuses for not wanting to be alone with me.
He’s always finding excuses to touch me and make body contact with me.
He’s surprisingly curious about who I am, where I came from, and what my life is like.
He talks to me differently than the way he talks to his other female friends.
He feels awkward when people assume we’re a couple.
I catch him staring at me and it happens more often than I’d expect.
He’s Really Not That Into You!
We don’t really see a future with this guy, maybe he’s not into you, You should find a guy who’s interested in you the way you want him to be.
If he doesn’t like you don’t freak out, do the opposite. Calm down and focus forward in your life on things that are going to make you better and happier. The stronger you are the more attractive you become.
He REALLY likes You as more than a friend!
He seems ONLY likes you as a friend!
Okay, so you talk to him, and you know each other pretty well, but he only views it as friendship. That's better than nothing, though!!
Try flirting a little or hanging out more outside. It could change things!
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