20+ Easy General Trivia Questions and Answers

 June 30, 2024  2490 

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Easy general trivia questions and answers – Do you want to increase your general knowledge about different topics. In this page, we have shared about 20 general knowledge trivia questions with hidden answers.

At Quizol.net you can find hundreds of good trivia quizzes, categorized on different topics. Trivia is a fun way to challenge ourself (or other participants) and dispute the knowledge supremacy.

Among many other categories, you can find some of the best trivia questions with answers on topics like geography, sports, history, food, science, movie, music, bible, and holiday.

If you’ve tried our more general knowledge trivia quizzes such as our history trivia and our disney trivia and you’re looking for some more general trivia questions and answers, then give these a try.

You’ll need to be a true all-rounder with a more knowledge across a broad range of subjects to do well here, so if that’s you then give them a go and see how well you guess all questions below.

Let’s go and see the following questions list. And don’t forget to mention how many right answers you got in the comment section!

Easy General Trivia Questions and Answers

If you’re stuck, just flip the question card to show the answer to any particular question.

When is Dominican independence day?
Click to Flip
February 27

Who won American Idol 2019?
Click to Flip
Laine Hardy

Where did the Titanic sink exactly?
Click to Flip
The North Atlantic Ocean about 400 miles south of Newfoundland, Canada

What does GAP stand for?
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Gay And Proud

Where are The Kansas City Chiefs from?
Click to Flip
Kansas City, Missouri, United States

Who won the Kentucky Derby 2019?
Click to Flip
Country House

When did the Titanic sink?
Click to Flip
April 14, 1912 - April 15, 1912

When did Gabriel Fernandez die?
Click to Flip
May 24, 2013

When is Kobe Bryants funeral?
Click to Flip
February 7, 2020

Where is Jennifer Lopez from?
Click to Flip
Castle Hill, New York, United States

When is st Patricks day 2020?
Click to Flip
Tuesday, March 17

When was Bloomberg mayor of NYC?
Click to Flip
January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2013

Who created the 'Say So' Tiktok dance?
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Haley Sharpe (Tik Tok user)

Where is Solano County?
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It's the northeastern county in the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area region.

What dinosaur has 500 teeth?
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Who was the mayor of NY during 911?
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Rudy Giuliani

Where is Shakira from originally?
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Barranquilla, Colombia

Who won the Super Bowl 2020?
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The Kansas City Chiefs

When is Minecraft shutting down?
Click to Flip
December 21st, 2020

Who won the NBA finals 2019?
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The Toronto Raptors

When was coronavirus first discovered?
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Coronavirus was discovered in the 1960s. The earliest ones discovered were infectious bronchitis virus in chickens and two viruses from the nasal cavities of human patients.
COVID-19 was discovered in late 2019 in Wuhan City, in the Hubei Province of China.

Who gets married on 'Love is Blind' Finale?
Click to Flip
Matt Barnett and Amber Pike
Cameron Hamilton and Lauren Speed

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Seeing the growing trend of web-based educational quizzes such as quizlet, quizizz, kahoot, quia or trivia games such as buzzfeed quiz, playbuzz, vonvon, pub quiz, proprofs, or guardian sports quiz, has inspired us to create this website as a means of playing entertainment games as well as education, which is able to compete with them.

Although the format is not the same as earth day quiz, other than as a means of entertainment games, quizol also provides categories of movies, music, sports, TV, general knowledge, fun trivia quizzes, personality test, anagram quizzes, enneagram test, and much more.

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On Quizol, We purely provides entertainment and educational topics that are closely related to current trending topics.

We have collected ideas from various well-known quiz portal sites such as buzzfeed, playbuzz, funtrivia and sporcle to provide questions that are interactive and fit with current trends.

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