Famous Movie Quotes Quiz : Best Movie Quotes of All Time

 June 30, 2024  2598 

Famous Movie Quotes Quiz : Best Movie Quotes of All Time featured image

Famous movie quotes quiz – Can you guess these best movie quotes of all time? We bet you can’t say these famous movie quotes from memory.

Imagine if screenwriters wrote your day-to-day dialogue.

You could communicate disappointment in concise and cutting sentences.

You could inspire classrooms of kids to reach within themselves and activate their potential.

You could finally tell your partners how you really felt.

Alas, most of you are stuck with dialogue created by your muddled brains, not literary pens.

So, to find memorable dialogue, we go to the movies.

Some movie quotes are so famous we likely encountered the quote before we saw the movie.

Other quotes make we pause the movie and think, “Wow – now that’s a line.” Often, though, the most memorable lines are the ones that make we laugh.

One of the signs of a great movie, a movie that we come back to watch again and again, is how often we quote dialogue from it.

Sometimes it’s something funny to work into a given situation, sometimes it’s something completely abstract to make we laugh, or sometimes we just want a conversation with someone consisting solely of movie quotes.

Whatever the reason, it’s awesome, and here are our 15 most quoted movies of all time we’re going to ask you.

Can you guess the best movie quotes of all time below?

To make sure the correct answer you can flip the card to see it. And don’t forget to share this famous movie quotes quiz with your friends.

Quiz : Try to guess the following famous movie quotes then flip it to see the correct answer.

Which movie do you think this famous quote is from?
"Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy night."

All-About-Eve-quotes movie Click to Flip
All About Eve movie poster

Which movie this line is from?

gone-with-the-wind-quotes-rhett-buttler img Click to Flip
gone with the wind movie poster

Which film this line is from?
"I believe... I believe... Even though it's silly, I believe."

miracle-on-34th-street-quotes i believe Click to Flip
miracle on 34th street movie poster

Which movie do you think this famous quote is from?

famous-movie-quotes-about-life img Click to Flip
X-Men Days of Future Past poster

Which movie do you think this famous quote is from?
"You can't handle the truth!"

You-cant-handle-the-truth-quote img Click to Flip
A Few Good Men movie poster

Which film this line is from?
"Yippie-Ki-Yay, Motherf*ck*r!"

die-hard-quotes img Click to Flip
die hard movie poster

Which movie this line is from?
"My Insurance Doesn't Cover PMS."

my insurance doesn't cover pms - famous-funny-movie-quotes img Click to Flip
funny movie quotes - 10 Things I Hate About You movie poster image

Famous Movie Lines Quiz:
"You’re going the right way for a smacked bottom."

shrek-quotes image Click to Flip
shrek movie poster

Which movie this line is from?
"Do You Like Scary Movies?"

famous-horror-movie-quotes-scream - do you like scary movie quote Click to Flip
scream horror movie quotes poster quotes

Which movie do you think this famous quote is from?
"This is Sparta!"

This-is-Sparta-quotes Click to Flip
great quotes from movies - 300-Rise-of-an-Empire-HD-Poster

Which film this line is from?
"Merry Christmas, you filth animal!"

famous-quotes-from-home-alone img Click to Flip
famous movie quotes from Home-Alone 1 & 2 movie poster

Which film this line is from?
"I Love The Smell Of Napalm In The Morning"

I Love The Smell Of Napalm In The Morning quotes Click to Flip
Apocalypse Now movie poster

Which movie do you think this famous quote is from?
"Show me the money!"

Show-me-the-money-movie-quote Click to Flip
Jerry Maguire movie poster

Which movie this line is from?
"To me, you are perfect."

famous-christmas-movie-quotes | to me you are perfect quote Click to Flip
loveactually-movie poster

Which movie this line is from?
"Just Keep Swimming"

famous-disney-movie-quotes-nemo | just keep swimming Click to Flip
famous disney movie quotes finding nemo poster

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